The red hair elder lady - just met her and believe Rocío did too

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just met her and believe Rocío did too.....right? (yes, it seems we are all neighbours)
She was walking her dog and, unfortunately, when I explained her everything and asked for her permission to hang the photo she said out loud:
Nooooooooooooo, I don't want my picture out in the street, because my "children" would kill me. No, no.....

I guess you will need more shots Zoe...


ZS said...

no problemo, estoy feliz de que sabemos...GRACIAS, GRACIAS Y GRACIAS por preguntar.

Rocío Varela Confalonieri said...

Yes I met her, too. She does not want her picture on the streets. But If somebody wants to meet her, she is every day at 8pm walking her dog on the corner of "casa de mujeres". Anyway I told her that she looks beautiful on the picture,and she was very happy about that.

ZS said...

Gracias! Then I feel ok to show it inside, but not as part of the outside installation. THANKS ROCIO!

Exposición patrocinada por Ivory Press

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