My last thing for the night is that I am good with the double spread being whatever you want. I absolutely know that it's a pain in the ass to have no direction on this but for me it's important that you guys decide for yourselves what it is. Your own images? fine! Direct reaction to my work, in text based format? Fine!
Mi última cosa por la noche es que estoy bien con la doble página que lo que quieras. Estoy totalmente de saber que es un dolor en el culo que no tiene sentido en esto, pero para mí es importante que ustedes decidan por sí mismos lo que es. Sus propias imágenes? estupendo! La reacción directa a mi trabajo, en formato basado en texto? Estupendo!
Also, I am tremendously excited about the newspaper ideas, all of which take my work and the work that you are doing in the taller into account. Carolina has been checking the blog and will be bringing her laptop tomorrow to pop up on the screen as she works on the concept.
Además, estoy muy entusiasmado con las ideas de periódicos, todos los que tengan en cuenta mi trabajo y el trabajo que están haciendo en el taller. Carolina ha sido el control de la blog de hoy y será mañana traerá su computadora portátil para que aparezca en la pantalla mientras trabaja en el concepto.
Hola Compadres.
I am now working my ass off on reordering the slideshow and picking the spots for the large image displays. Many things, many things. But first and foremost, thanks for working so hard on this. It means a lot to me.
I have to do some more shooting for sure and I was hoping that Lavapies folks could possible help me with translation so I can make some photos of people in the Plaza Lavapies, particularly the old folks who sit out everyday. I can ask to make the photo but it's too difficult to answer why in a succinct way. If someone could help me out tomorrow or Friday night, I would be eternally grateful. Por favor, if anyone knows the twins PLEASE HELP ME MEET THEM TO MAKE SOME PHOTOS OF THEM. I LOVE THEM!
Also, it seem like we are waiting on Lucia for answers before we move forward I know Tila will be in contact with her. More later.
Hola compadres.
Ahora estoy trabajando mi culo, que reordenan el pase de diapositivas y elegir los puntos para la muestra la imagen de gran tamaño. Muchas cosas, muchas cosas. Pero, ante todo, gracias por trabajar tan duro en esto. Significa mucho para mí.
Tengo que hacer algo más de rodaje seguro y yo estaba esperando que la gente de Lavapiés posible me podría ayudar con la traducción para que yo pueda hacer algunas fotos de personas en la Plaza de Lavapiés, en particular los ancianos que se sientan a cabo todos los días. Puedo pedir para hacer la foto, pero es muy difícil de contestar por qué de una manera sucinta. Si alguien pudiera ayudarme a salir mañana o el viernes por la noche, estaré eternamente agradecido. Por favor, si alguien sabe de los gemelos PLEASE HELP ME reunirse con ellos para hacer algunas fotos de ellos. I LOVE THEM!
Además, parece que estamos esperando a Lucía para las respuestas antes de avanzar sé Tila se pondrá en contacto con ella. Más tarde.
example idea for the periodico
Hola gente!
Aqui ando yo pensando que estaba antes en el taller y me llevé el ordenador para poder crear una idea general de lo que tengo yo en la cabeza cuando digo lo de crear una página que sea sólo texto.
He de decir que soy diseñadora, lo cual me hace pensar en términos de maquetación y de texto como un arte en sí mismo, es decir, como una expresión estética como lo puede ser una foto.
Razones que esgrimo para usarlo:
- Es un complemento al trabajo de Zoe. Además esta idea es resultado de pensar qué me ha aportado a mí hacer el curso, qué me está aportando. y lo que me llevo en realidad son las historias que ella cuenta de su propio proceso creativo. En ese proceso entran las historias que ella tiene con la gente, lo que intercambia con ellos, que es parte de cómo es ella, y de cómo se relaciona con el mundo y que se expresa de sobra en una foto sin necesidad de más explicaicones ( o más que en una foto, en el conjunto de todas ellas) . A pesar de que se expresan solas las fotos, el conocerla y poder escuchar las historias de su boca me parece un intercambio muy bonito que te permite acercarte de otra manera a la foto. Poner los textos sería para mí como un símbolo de lo que he aprendido con ella, esas historias que uno tiene cuando se atreve a salir a la calle y hablar con desconocidos.
- Poner fotos nuestras no le veo mucho sentido. Le vería sentido si hubiéramos seguido un proceso fotográfico con ella durante el taller. Pero no es así, estamos siguiendo un proceso de comisariado que por alguna extraña razón no nos imparte ningún comisario (??).
- Llegados a este punto quizás no tenga sentido usar las fotos realizadas durante el taller por lavapiés, sino fotos nuestras de nuestro propio archivo que tengan una historia detrás bonita que contar.
Bueno, por ahora no tengo más que decir, que ya os he dado el coñazo un buen rato, comentarme qué os parece, porque creo que hay que decidirlo pronto.
Aquí os dejo el ejemplito que he hecho con las cuatro frases que se me han ocurrido.
Ciao pescaos.
Hello people!
Here I'm thinking it was earlier in the workshop and took the computer to create a general idea of what I have in my head when I say how to create a page that is text only.
I must say I am a designer, which makes me think in terms of layout and text as an art in itself, ie as an aesthetic expression as it can be a photo.
Reasons they gave for use:
- It complements the work of Zoe. Furthermore, this idea is the result of what I think has brought me to the course, what is bringing me. and what I am in fact are the stories she tells of her own creative process. In the process enters the stories she has with people, which exchanges with them, which is part of how she is, and how it relates to the world and is expressed very well in a photograph without further explicaicones ( or more than one photo, throughout all of them). Although the photos are expressed alone, the knowledge and power to hear the stories of his mouth seems to me a very nice exchange that lets you get closer otherwise the photo. Put the texts would be to me as a symbol of what I learned with her, those stories that one gets when one dares to go out and talk to strangers.
- Put pictures of us do not see much sense. It would make sense if we'd kept a photographic process with it during the workshop. Not so, we are following a process of curating that for some strange reason, gives us no commissioner (??).
- At this point you may not make sense to use the photos taken during the workshop for footbaths, but pictures of us in our own file with a nice back story to tell.
Well, now I have more to say, which I have given the pain in the ass a long time, comment on what you think, because I believe we should decide soon.
Here I leave the ejemplito I've done with the four phrases that have happened to me.
Ciao fish.
2_ I think it would really be great if there was a guiding map in La Casa Encendida on September 19th so people who enter on the interior exhibition know exactly where they can go or which tour they "should" take if they want to experiment the events outside. It could be a funny and coloured map with icons and so on, despite they can find the way in the newspaper.
Hi, I don´t think it is crowded, if Carolina design it properly I think it will be ok. Just my opinion.
EXTRA Info - Casa de mujeres - Eskalera Karakola
Subject: Fw: fotografa Zoe Strauss - Eskalera Karakola, casa de mujeres
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 19:04:58 +0000
Hey Zoe, this is the reply I got from Eskalera karakola, the women's house you took a picture of.
Basically they are saying that there will be girls there this saturday from 12h to 16h because they will be preparing a march in defense of the handicapped and that we are welcome.
If you are interested I will be happy to go with you.
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 20:19:25 +0200
Subject: [Fwd: [Ekka] Contacto - fotógrafa Zoe Strauss]
Hola Tila,
El brunch está de reformas así que empezaremos un poco más tarde este curso. Seguramente en octubre ya estaremos en marcha. De todas formas el sábado 12 a las 16.00 va a haber gente preparando una manifestación del Foro de Vida Independiente, por si os queréis pasar.
Un abrazo,
Anna - Eskalera Karakola
another place to hung one of the big pictures is calle sombrerete nº 4, there are 2 closed stores with abandon building, and it is one block away the plaza next to the library, could be a nice walk starting in: la casa encendida, then lavapies plaza with the slides on the teather wall, tribulete carrefour wall, meson de paredes the library plaza, and sombrerete st. and again lavapies plaza.
Read more...hi!
About the size of each picture on the newspaper, I think the designer should decide. Then we can put the full size picture or more pictures on the blog.
The color copies is 500 for 0.15 =75€. so if you want less i could arrange the same price 0.15.
I have talked with the woman who lives in the carrefour building. she told me that she does not know the neigbours on that corner. we just need to go and ask.
For the big pictures I have found this: (look under "lonas") and they have many stores in madrid; or in Alcorcon; here with some prices but not the exact thing we want but they do it in 24hs
ACTIVITIES - today we have talked about...
EVENT: Exhibition activity during Noche en Blanco
DATE: 19/08
BUDGET: 500€
ACTIVITY I - NEWSPAPER double page for us to create something
DUE date: Thursday 10SEPT (when Carolina will be with us)
Characteristics: Open sheet: 57,5 cm (width) 40,5 cm (high) - Margins: 1,5 cm
We decided that people would take pictures and get stories from characters around the neighbourhood and THEN on thursday we will choose what to do in therms of layout (between the space we have in this printed support and blog we can create with more info and content about it)
We need to have in mind that this double page dimension is something less than twice (2x) the size of a laptop (portatil) and that to have 20 images there would mean that each one should be around 10 x 10cm (less than a regular picture 10 x 15cm) and maybe it would look too crowded (if I made the maths correctly)
Due date to send files to be print: Wednesday 16SEPT
1) 5 or 6 big images - sizes? Prices? Vendors?
I think that if it's not a Casa Encendida vendor (with a price agreement), it's difficult to print out 5 big images with 400€ - Any banner 4 x 3m costs around 150EUR – printed image with proper holes with metal rings to hang
If we need prices from vendors we need to ask maximum friday 11SEPT
- material to hang (fishing line can take up to 10 kilos, silvertape
- Possible locations:
1 El solar
2 Carrefour's wall (orange hair lady) – ask for permission in the apartments, get contact, telephone number, advise time we will be there to hang it on Sat, 19th)
3, 4, 5, 6?
(I thought about putting up an image at the the square of the library - biblioteca - itself)
Example: If she decides to print out the picture of gipsy girls' arm (mujer putilla) I thought about using the place – structure below - it's not a wall, but I think that the line ideas she was telling us may work in this structure. Not sure if you think people will see it well. comments?
way to stick it up? (regular tape?)
1)How many projectors there are, what is its lumens capacity? (capacidad de luminosidad)?
In the market there are projectors from 1200 to more than 2800 lumens. I believe that since it's night, there will be no problem, but this is something we have to make sure beforehand to guarantee a good projection.
Preguntar Casa Encendida
2)How many DVD players? (since being on the street is a possibility, it's safer to have 140€ dvd players than computers)
Preguntar Casa Encendida
3)Projection screens? (If it's decided not to be projected on the walls due to image quality reasons – if we think wall is fine, we may consider to test it someday this week around 22h to make sure that light is fine.
Preguntar Casa Encendida
4)Supports for projectors, DVD – enough high
We have to make sure it is big enough to have dvd and projector sitting on it and thats it's high enough (the farther you go with projector, the bigger is the image, but less is the resolution and the light
Preguntar Casa Encendida
5)Security people to be with projectors.
Would they be willing to let us someone for the night? Or should we do it less hours (just 2, for example) and be ourselves during the set up, projection AND dismount – we have to remember that after projecting we will have to get everything back to La Casa Encendida.
Preguntar Casa Encendida
6)Eletricity outside
Is Casa Encendida willing to get the permission from cityhall (is there time?) to get the energy from the street pole? If so, do cityhall send someone with cables, tools to do it? Also, if we want to test the projection before the big night (noche en blanco) we need to make sure we have cables to do it on the street (maybe we can test it at casa encendida's terraza (open air) with their maintenance people help, just to have an idea of light). Generators? Cables – regletas, etc.
Preguntar Casa Encendida
with elements (pictures, drawings, writings) about the curatorial process to be exhibited during Noche en Blanco
¿Ask Casa Encendida for a place to to set up this panel and also their support to print pictures, material to use?
What else?
Not sure if this is the idea or not, and if this will help or not, but thought it would be great to put everything together: ideas, activities, actions to be taken - some sort of TO DO list in order to get things done.
So I will try to write it down altogether and put it up here, in the next post.