Final Decisions.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hi everybody,

we finally selected about 40 pictures for the poster and divided them in three folder A3, A5 and A6. They are all on Zoe's HD. The pictures have different resolution and different sizes, before printing them we should probably assign them the same resolution and definitely resize them accordingly to the paper size.

Who is gonna do that? Zoe, will you do that such that they can be printed tomorrow morning/early afternoon and brought to the taller in order to decide the final layout? How can we do?


ZS said...

Hola! Thanks so much for staying late Silvia (and Aitor, Laura and Angela). Oh, image selection is grueling and time consuming.

But no, I can not resize the images. I can bring the images saved to a CD to La Casa Encendida by 11AM and I will leave it at the front desk with a note that says "Zoe Strauss Taller."

ZS said...

Get ready, mi amigos because a huge part of the curatorial process is delegating work in accordance to people's strengths, as well as making sure that the vision of the project comes to fruition. Do it!

And we started super late today, which I was kind of bummed about... so to stave off the fact that there's 2 DAYS LEFT, at the very beginning tomorrow could Silvia, Aitor, Laura and Angela please talk a little about the decisions that went into deciding the size of Julien's image of the man with the tattoos? Just for about 5 minutes... I think that was a really telling moment about the decision making process: Is that image more powerful as a smaller or larger print? I think there were 2 minds on that. Does the print size and placement of that image impact the other images? Does the strongest image win out? How did you guys come to a conclusion? I honestly can't remember the final decision.

It's only 1:45, so more in a little bit!

Exposición patrocinada por Ivory Press

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Taller de la casa encendida

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